The O Antiphons: “O Leader of the House of Israel”, by Derek Rotty

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Photo by Sean Robertson on Unsplash

By Derek Rotty, Catholic Exchange, Dec. 8, 2023

Derek Rotty is a husband, father, teacher, & free-lance writer who lives in Jackson, Tennessee. He has written extensively on Catholic history, culture, faith formation, & family. Find out more about him & his work at

“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” is a beautiful hymn that we hear frequently throughout Advent. It has seven verses, each of which come from one of the O Antiphons. These are seven antiphonal prayers specifically used during the Church’s evening prayer from December 17 to 23, leading up to the Nativity of Our Lord. The O Antiphons look back through the history of salvation presented in Sacred Scripture, and they cry out for the long-expected Messiah who is the culmination of that history. Praying with these titles and antiphons has the potential to make Advent deeply memorable. Every time we hear these words and images, or sing the hymn, our expectation of God-with-us is kindled. This series of reflections is offered in hopes that individuals and families will be ready to pray the O Antiphons in the final week before Christmas eve; that they will be able to savor the birth of Emmanuel in that Bethlehem stable.

O Leader of the House of Israel, giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai: come to rescue us with your mighty power!

Avatar photoThe second O Antiphon, prayed on December 18, focuses on the nation of Israel, its leadership, and the law they were called to follow. We should note first that “House of Israel” is one of the most common titles for God’s people throughout the Old Testament. More than three hundred times, the Torah, the prophets, and the wisdom literature make this specific reference. Each time it is used, it is recalling one of the promises made to Abraham near the beginning of covenant history (see Gen. 12:1-3). That promise was then fulfilled when God made his covenant with King David, stating that He would build “a house,” a dynasty, from the anointed king (see 2 Sam. 7:1-11). God has always been building a spiritual house, led by prophets and kings, that would ultimately bring all people into covenant relationship with Him. …

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