The Priest As The Living Image Of Christ Crucified, by James Monti

Fr. Richard Heilman: A Manifesto for Recovering Our Church
June 9, 2023
Intolerance Reigns for Pride Month, by Phil Lawler 
June 10, 2023

Catholic priest, Eucharist

By James Monti, The Wanderer, June 8, 2023

Recently, during a visit to the Blessed Sacrament at a church about half an hour from my home, I went to pray before the side altar of St. Joseph and was captivated by the extraordinary realism of the new statue of Joseph enshrined there, in particular the face, which gives the supplicant the sense that Joseph is giving his full attention to the worshipper at his feet. Likewise exceptional is the church’s new statue of the Blessed Virgin with the Christ Child, due to an equally engaging depiction of the Infant Jesus, who seems to fix His gaze directly upon those in the pews, even from a distance.

The pastor at that church told me how he had given very detailed and particular instructions to an artist he had commissioned on how he wanted him to carve the two statues. The pastor also explained all the major changes he had made in the sanctuary, moving the Tabernacle to the center and beautifying the high altar, acquiring for the sanctuary magnificent Baroque-style candlesticks and a matching sanctuary lampstand. …

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