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St Thomas Aquinas

By C C Pecknold, Catholic Herald,

Fr Morey was caring for an eternal soul, guarding a man from bringing judgment upon himself

Pope Francis teaches that the Eucharist is “not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.” This is in harmony with Augustine and Aquinas alike. From the height of the altar flows the sacrifice of salvation for sinners. Who would not want to receive this purifying principle? Who would not long to ingest so great a medicine?

God stirs up our desire for the Eucharist. We do not come to the altar merely of our own accord. If we are willing, the Lord helps us in our weakness to receive the Lord worthily by giving us the help of the Holy Spirit to illumine our conscience, and help us to confess our sins. Confession is a holy preparation for us to enter into the inner sanctuary, the tabernacle of God’s presence. Like our ancient Jewish forebears, we know that God’s presence is a divine fire which can purify and unite us to those properly disposed, but also bring judgment upon those who are not. ….