Daily Scripture Readings and Meditations: Rejecting the Commandments of God
February 11, 2025Fr Jeffrey Kirby: Full of Grace: Our Lady Leads Us Towards a New Horizon of Prayer
February 11, 2025
By Douglas Andrews, Patriot Post, February 11, 2025
A grim study puts a gigantic dollar amount to our nation’s death toll.
Those crafty Communist Chinese haven’t fought a land war in nearly half a century, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t actively engaged in warfare.
It’s just that the conventional kind is so unappealing to the ChiComs. As the great and ancient Chinese strategist Sun Tzu stressed, the real Art of War is to defeat one’s enemy without even fighting him. This is why, as author Peter Schweizer writes in Blood Money, every Chinese officer, soldier, and sailor has since 2006 been required to study Sun Tzu’s classic tract. And it’s why China continues to go after our nation’s “soft underbelly,” why it uses terms like “disintegration warfare” to whip us without even having to fight us.
Take our fentanyl crisis, for example. It’s been “funded, organized, logistically facilitated by the Chinese Communist Party,” as Blackwater founder and geopolitical strategist Erik Prince put it, “as an absolute ‘f*** you’ from the CCP against the West for the Opium Wars of the 1840s,” which were caused in part by Great Britain’s smuggling of the highly addictive drug from their Indian colonies into China. Indeed, the first chapter of Schweizer’s book is just that: “The New Opium Wars.” …