The Three Days of Darkness: The True Prophecy of Anna Maria Taigi, by Robert Lazu Kmita

Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: One Will Be Taken and the Other Left
November 17, 2023
Twilight in Tyler – “We Recognized the Voice of a Shepherd; He Spoke Christ”, by Sheryl Collmer
November 17, 2023

By Robert Lazu Kmita, Remnant Columnist, The Remant, Nov. 16, 2023

There is no other subject more challenging than that of unfulfilled prophecies. Whether it’s the sacred texts of the Bible, non-Christian religious works, or certain literary creations (and not just those belonging to the “fantasy” genre), prophecies are everywhere. Especially in dark times like ours, when epochal events happen, predictions about the present and future are continuously explored. In a very recent article, Timothy Flanders asserts unequivocally: “We are witnessing something huge.”[i]

Indeed. The unleashed storm of heresies and immorality shaking the Church is terrible. The fact that we see Cardinals and Bishops increasingly raising serious doubts about the current pontificate is a sure sign of an extraordinary situation. Although we are aware that what is happening now surpasses any other historical catastrophes, we do what Christians have always done in times of such proportions: we diligently examine the old biblical prophecies, or the newest ones – of saints like Hildegard in Bingen, Bartholomew Holzhauser, or Francisco and Jacinta Marto. …

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