Heaven’s Currency: a Study of Love is available for preorder from Sophia Institute Press.
Paul Chaloux was born in Maine in 1960 to Paul and Dolly Chaloux, the oldest of 6 children. He grew up in Northern Virginia and attended public schools. After graduating with a chemical engineering degree from the University of Virginia in 1982, Paul worked for over 30 years as an engineer, manager, and strategist for IBM in upstate New York.
Heaven’s Currency: a Study of Love is available for preorder from Sophia Institute Press.
The first book was Why all People Suffer and it was written in the aftermath of my being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease just after I had uprooted my life, quitting my lucrative job at IBM, selling my house in New York, and moving to the DC suburbs to pursue a Ph.D in catechetics, all in response to a very vivid dream to “teach the teachers.” I didn’t understand my role in this initially. ….