The Trans Controversy: American Bishops Face a Divided Nation and a Divided Church, by William Kilpatrick

Bishop Strickland: Laying His Life Down for His Sheep, by Kevin Wells
July 17, 2023
Fr. Jerry Pokorsky: The Uncomfortable Parable of the Sower
July 18, 2023


Our bishops cannot ignore the percolating civil war brewing in America over trans ideology.

By William Kilpatrick, Crisis Magazine, July 18, 2023

William Kilpatrick is the author of several books about cultural and religious issues, including What Catholics Need to Know About Islam; Christianity, Islam and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West; The Politically Incorrect Guide to Jihad; and Why Johnny Can’t Tell Right from Wrong. …


William KilpatrickIn a recent essay, Providence College theology professor Paul Gondreau argues that many bishops believe that the prudential course to take in addressing our culture’s descent into moral degeneracy is to ignore it. Although the USCCB produced a fine document three months ago about the moral limits of medical intervention for those seeking transgender procedures, there hasn’t been much in the way of follow-up on the larger moral issues. For example, with the exception of Bishop Joseph Strickland, it was lay Catholics who led the opposition to the Los Angeles Dodgers’ decision to honor a group of men in drag whose main mission in life is to mock Christianity and especially Catholicism.

The Catholics won this round in the culture wars, but they did so without much help from their bishops, who undoubtedly hope that the whole Pride movement will go away. But will it go away? Despite the drubbing of the drag queens in LA and the setbacks handed to Target and Budweiser, it would be a mistake for Catholics to imagine that some sort of turning point has been reached. …

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