By F. Andrew Wolf, Jr., Crisis Magazine, Aug. 12, 2024
F. Andrew Wolf, Jr. is the Director of The Fulcrum Institute, a new organization of current and former scholars in the Humanities, Foreign Affairs and Philosophy dedicated to the classical liberal tradition in America. Fulcrum focuses on the foreign policy of the BRICS+ and relationships between China, Russia and India in their engagement with US economic and foreign policy initiatives.
Pat Buchanan’s nationalistic campaigns for President in the 1990’s had the Republican establishment orchestrating everything against him. Sound familiar?
Clichés are sometimes unavoidable (hindsight is 20/20), but then so is history—it provides clarity when obfuscation is the order of the day. It seems fitting to say that in some respects we have been here before. Earlier, it was with one who some say was a pioneer and in some respects a forerunner to 45—Patrick Joseph Buchanan.
The author, adviser to Nixon, Ford, and Reagan, and TV commentator pursued a political agenda that still resonates today among conservative American minds. …