The War for the Soul of the World, by Andrew Petiprin

By Refusing To Acknowledge The Jab’s Risks, Trump Helps The Covid Cult Evade Accountability, by Shawn Fleetwood
June 28, 2023
Our Need for Fathers, by Wendell Hull
June 28, 2023

(Image: Norbu GYACHUNG/

Both truth and charity demand at this point that we face up to the connection between the LGBTQ movement and the forces of darkness.

By Andrew Petiprin, Catholic World Report, June 27, 2023 

Andrew Petiprin is a former Episcopal priest, and is the author of the book Truth Matters: Knowing God and Yourself. He came into full communion with the Catholic Church with his wife and children on January 1, 2019. …

As another Pride Month comes to an end, the war for the soul of the world has intensified. I thought briefly that the tide may have been turning, but I was wrong. Let me explain.

Near the end of May, I was talking to a friend about my writing routine. I told him I had begun frequenting my local IKEA store in the afternoons to sit in the café. It’s only about ten minutes from my house, and with my wife’s family membership card I can have all the free coffee I want. It’s a big, bright space where no one bothers me, and I have been very productive there. …