The Wonderful Life of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’

Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: Rachel Weeping for Her Children
December 28, 2023
Memory and Mass, by Regis Martin
December 29, 2023

By Jeff Jacoby, Patriot Post, Dec. 26, 2023

The film provides one last example of how a second chance can transform failure and disappointment into success and joy.

In 2006, The American Film Institute ranked “It’s a Wonderful Life” first on its list of the 100 most inspiring motion pictures ever made. To judge from the enduring popularity of the 1946 movie, which was directed by Frank Capra and stars Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed, what it inspires in most viewers is optimism, gratitude, happiness: the Christmas spirit. But there have always been some who took a more jaundiced view of what has long been a beloved holiday classic.

J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI didn’t much care for it. In a 1947 memo on “Communist Infiltration of the Motion Picture Industry,” the agency quoted an informant’s belief that the malignant character of Henry Potter, played by Lionel Barrymore, “represented rather obvious attempts to discredit bankers,” which the informant called “a common trick used by Communists.” ….

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