Sitting and watching the June 10th event in St. Peter’s Square, surrounded by nearly no one at all, I noticed how completely absent was any mention or image of Jesus Christ.
By Dr. Larry Chapp, Catholic World, June 15, 2023
Dr. Larry Chapp is a retired professor of theology. He taught for twenty years at DeSales University near Allentown, Pennsylvania. ….
If there is one common denominator that links all of the various forms of Catholic progressivism together it is their allergy to the scandal of Christ’s particularity and the Christian claim that this particularity represents an absolute and universal in-breaking of God into history. This allergy is directly linked to the fact that most Catholic progressives have antecedently bought into the false modern definition of “religion”, born of the Enlightenment, as a generic category which can easily be defined as that “thingy” dealing with “spiritual stuff”. One then places the various “species” of religious expression under this genus and Christianity quickly becomes merely one religion among many and Christ is demoted to merely one “religious founder” among many others. …