Three Powerful Ways to Prevent the Tragedy of Young Children Committing Suicide, by John Horvat II

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By John Horvat II, The Stream, November 25, 2019

John Horvat II is a scholar, researcher, educator, international speaker and author of the book Return to Order. His writings have appeared worldwide including in The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Post, American Thinker, TheBlaze, Crisis, FOX News and The Washington Times, as well as other publications and websites. He gives more than 150 radio and TV interviews annually.

She was already suffering from sadness and depression. A few days after Christmas, Kendrea Johnson decided to end it all. The six-year-old girl from Minnesota was found hanging from a jump rope in what officials called a suicide. She left a note that said, “I’m sorry.”

People used to believe that such young children are incapable of suicide. The concept seemed beyond their understanding. Now, however, an increasing number of young children like Kendrea are taking their lives.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, the rate for the age grouping covering ages 10-14 has tripled over the last decade. Another CDC report claims that 1,300 children aged 5 to 12 died by taking their own lives between 1999 and 2015. That is an average of one death every five days. And the number is growing. Hanging and suffocation are the most common methods of death.

The greatest danger to children is not mass school shootings or community violence — horrible though they may be. The children themselves are among the greatest threats to their well-being. More youth die by suicide than in school shootings or community violence. ….

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