Msgr. Charles Pope: Are You a Mouse or a Man? A Homily for the Feast of Corpus Christi
June 15, 2020President Trump Finalizes Rule Stopping Obamacare From Forcing Doctors to Do Abortions, by Steven Ertelt
June 15, 2020
By Robert Royal, The Catholic Thing, June 15, 2020
Somewhere in his vast corpus (thanks in advance to any reader who will remind us all precisely where), Chesterton says, in effect: it takes three to fight. Two to disagree and one to try to make peace between them.
He didn’t try to tackle the even greater difficulty when two are already fighting, bitterly, and another, seeking to bring peace, only opens up a third front, vilified by both.
So in full knowledge that I’m ignoring my own best judgment, I offer what follows.
I will not try to solve America’s – and the world’s – race problems today. Many are already hard at work on what will necessarily be that long-term task. Others merely agitate. Anyway, emotions are too raw at the moment.
On some calmer day, I may write another column in which I’ll try to define terms like systemic racism, privilege, violence, crime, justice, so that maybe we can start to understand what we’re arguing over. Such words fly past us all, as if they were merely rocks you pick up to throw in a street fight, not things needing to be carefully considered. …