Tradition and the Signs of the Times, by James Kalb

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Homo Utopianus, by David Carlin
June 10, 2023

(Image: andreas160578/

God doesn’t get reported in the news, and the experts in the media question or deny him and everything about him. So how do we get people—how do we get ourselves—to feel that He is more real than anything else?

By James Kalb, Catholic World Report, June 6, 2023

James Kalb is a lawyer, independent scholar, and Catholic convert who lives in Brooklyn, New York. He is the author of The Tyranny of Liberalism(ISI Books, 2008) and, most recently, Against Inclusiveness: How the Diversity Regime is Flattening America and the West and What to Do About It (Angelico Press, 2013).


How can Catholics most help the world?

The obvious answer is that they would help most if they became saints. If you as a Catholic want to “make a difference,” cultivate sanctity and wholehearted love of God and neighbor.

A better world needs better people, and we all know where that has to start. That is why G.K. Chesterton said the right answer to the question “what is wrong” is “I am wrong.” As he noted, “Until a man can give that answer his idealism is only a hobby.”

That should give all of us enough to keep busy. But the advice raises the question of what, specifically, we should keep busy doing. In other words, what leads to sanctity? …