Trump Administration Tells UN: There is No International Right to Abortion, by Micaiah Bilger

The Wars of Religion Are Only Beginning, Chilton Williamson, Jr.
September 25, 2019
Cdl Marx: ‘No Stop Sign’ From Pope Francis for Our German Synodal Path on Celibacy, Sexual Morality, by Maike Hickson
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By Micaiah Bilger, LifeNews, Sept. 24, 2019

WASHINGTON, DCThe Trump administration is encouraging countries across the world to stand up for the rights of unborn babies by opposing radical pro-abortion policies at the United Nations.

In a letter leaked to the Guardian and reportedly signed by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, the United States urged countries to join a “growing coalition” in opposing the “harmful” pro-abortion agenda.

The Guardian, a pro-abortion news outlet, described the letter as an attempt to “rollback women’s rights.” But abortion appears to be the real issue of concern.

The letter criticized the United Nations for using vague language that encourages countries to promote abortion on demand.

“We remain gravely concerned that aggressive efforts to reinterpret international instruments to create a new international right to abortion and to promote international policies that weaken the family have advanced through some United Nations fora,” the letter stated.  ….