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By Hannah Hiester, Catholic Vote, July 21, 2023

A K-12 education consultant and public speaker recently exposed numerous resources provided for teachers to groom their students into the LGBTQ+ agenda.

Deb Fillman, an advocate for keeping the government out of schools and an education consultant, exposed the “resources” in a Twitter thread.

The resources included guides such as “Creating Safer Spaces for LGBTQ Youth: a Toolkit for Education, Healthcare, and Community-Based Organizations,” as well as “Queer & Now Pride Month Toolkit.”

“Wondering what teachers are given to ‘help’ them ‘teach’ during Pride month?” Fillman tweeted on July 10, along with screenshots of the resources. “May I suggest you immediately start following the accounts they list as ‘resources’ so you won’t be blindsided by the BS your child’s teachers/schools/peers and even your CHILD will be soon spouting (if they aren’t already).” …