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February 28, 2024
By Michael Haynes, LifeSiteNews, Feb 27, 2024
Riccardo Cascioli, editor-in-chief of La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, told LifeSiteNews that ‘this is a case of the consolidated style typical of this pontificate: while doctrine is affirmed, actions deny it.’
ROME (LifeSiteNews) — A prominent Vatican theologian has been accused of backtracking and practicing “doublespeak” after his recent interventions opening the door to Catholic-Freemason dialogue by accentuating the ideas of “love and mercy.”
On February 16, Bishop Antonio Staglianò, president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Theology, took part in a closed-door meeting in Milan between Catholics and Freemasons. The event, organized by the Socio-Religious Research and Information Group (GRIS), was also attended by Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, Milan’s Archbishop Mario Delphi, and the head of Italy’s leading Masonic lodge Grand Orient Grand Master Stefano Bisi.
According to La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, Staglianò “gave a long speech-show tearing apart the doctrinal approach on the Catholic side and basically going along with the demands of the Freemason exponents.” ….