Ven. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen: Sunday Morning Came

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*Image: Resurrection (Noli me tangere) by Giotto di Bondone, c. 1304-06 [Cappella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua]. (Scenes from the Life of Christ: no. 21)

By Ven. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, The Catholic Thing, April 9, 2023

Ven. Fulton John Sheen was born in El Paso, Illinois on May 8, 1895. He attended Saint Paul Seminary in Minnesota and was ordained in 1919. After further studies at Catholic University, he earned a doctorate in philosophy at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. In 1930, Msgr. Sheen began a Sunday night radio show, “The Catholic Hour,” and in 1951 then-Bishop Sheen launched “Life Is Worth Living,” which became one of America’s top-rated TV shows and won him an Emmy in 1952. He was elevated to archbishop by Pope Paul VI in 1969. He died on December 9, 1979. He was declared a Venerable Servant of God by Pope Benedict XVI on July 28, 2012.

Happy Easter from all of us – Dominic Cassella, Brad Miner, Karen Popp, Hannah Russo, and Robert Royal – to all friends and readers of The Catholic Thing.


Sunday morning came, and it was one of calm, like the sleep of innocents, and the clear, benign air seemed almost as if it had been stirred by angels’ wings. Mary walked in the garden and someone near her spoke a word, and pronounced it longingly, wistfully, in that touching and unforgettable voice which had called her so many times: “Mary.” And to this one and only word, she made an answer, a word and only one: “Rabboni.” And as she fell at His knees in the dewy grass and clasped in her hands those bare feet, she saw two scars, two red-lined marks of nails — for Christ was now walking in the glory of His new Easter morn.

That was the first Easter Day. Centuries have whirled away since, and on this new Easter Day. . .behold placed over the tabernacle, on this Resurrection Day, the image, not of a Risen Savior, but the image of a dying one, to teach. . .that Christ lives over again in His Church, and that the Church, like Christ, not only lives, not only dies, but always rises from the dead. …