Ven. Fulton Sheen on the “Signs of Our Time” – Sermon Delivered on January 26, 1947

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By Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

Donald R. McClarey. Cradle Catholic. Active in the pro-life movement since 1973. Father of three, one in Heaven, and happily married for 42 years. Small town lawyer and amateur historian. Former president of the board of directors of the local crisis pregnancy center for a decade.

Lent is a good time for confronting evil, both inside of ourselves and the evil of the World. In 1947 then Monsignor Fulton Sheen gave a very important radio address. He could discern that humanity was at a turning point and he issued an alarm and a warning. His words are more relevant today than they were seven decades ago. Below is the text of his speech:

‘Signs of Our Times’ – sermon delivered on January 26, 1947

God Love You!

I want those to be my first words of greeting to you as they will be the concluding words of each broadcast. They embody three ideas: God is love; God loves you; and since love is reciprocal may you love God in return.

This is the 17th year I have had the privilege of addressing you on the Catholic Hour and it is probably safe to say that at no time in those years-not even during the war when we saw victory ahead-have the souls of men been more in the dark about the future, less insecure about the present. We are living in the twilight of a civilization, and for that reason, we have entitled this series Light Your Lamps. Under this title we will discuss in eleven broadcasts a subject which we were unable to discuss the last few years, and it will be that which is contained in the Papal Encyclical Divini Redemptoris: the all important subject of Communism.

It is very difficult to do justice to any phase of this encyclical in the sixteen minutes allotted to me, so this year I shall write a much fuller treatment of each broadcast which will be put into pamphlet form and which the National Council of Catholic Men will send to you free each week if you make your request known to them. ….

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