Msgr. Charles Pope: A 4th of July Meditation on the Paradox that Freedom Can Only Exist Within Limits
July 6, 2021Gates Foundation Will Spend $1.4 Billion Pushing Population Control Worldwide, by Micaiah Bilger
July 6, 2021
By Michael J. Matt, Editor, The Remnant, , July 5, 2021
Michael J. Matt delivers a lecture at The Roman Forum on the lessons learned from COVID, when traditional Catholicism led the charge against the Globalist tyrants who declared religious ceremonies a “non-essential service.”
Looking back over the past 40 years, Michael argues that it’s time stop circling the wagons. We’re on the front lines, so let’s start acting like it.
To that end, Michael shares his memories from over four decades of how it used to be behind circled wagons and catacomb chapels, back in the days of Michael Davies, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the other pioneers of the traditional Catholic movement. …