We Can Hear God’s Voice in the Ordinary, by Jeannie Ewing

Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: Who Shall Enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
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Photo by Charlie Gallant on Unsplash

By Jeannie Ewing, Catholic Exchange, December 2, 2020

Jeannie Ewing is a Catholic spirituality writer who writes about the moving through grief, the value of redemptive suffering, and how to wait for God’s timing fruitfully.

There was a time in my life when reading the wise words of some faraway monk sufficed in motivating me to a life of greater solitude and spiritual discipline. I wondered why it was so difficult for most people to find time for God when it came so easily for me. Naturally, at every naïve crossroads I have faced in my years, there is always a lesson in humility waiting for me there.

Now I have five children. My oldest two, the ones we had early on in our marriage, are growing up. Life has suddenly, in the last two years, become incredibly complex. The early morning hours that were once reserved for prayer and meditation have been replaced by infant feedings and diaper changes—which are then followed by a quick rush to feed all the hungry mouths, lastly my own. …

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