Weeks After March for Life, Supreme Court Will Hear Major Case on Louisiana Pro-Life Law, by Dr. Brent Boles

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By Dr. Brent Boles, The Stream, January 24, 2020

Dr. Brent Boles has been practicing medicine for two decades as an OB/GYN in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He served as a volunteer spokesman for the Yes on 1 initiative and currently serves as medical director at Portico, a pregnancy help center.


Before attending the March for Life in Washington, D.C., author and practicing OB/GYN Dr. Brent Boles gives his take on the life issues soon coming before the nation’s highest court.

Dr. Brent BolesIn 2014, the state of Louisiana enacted a law which requires doctors performing abortions in their state to have admitting privileges at a local hospital. This law is a response to the universal opposition to oversight and accountability that the abortion industry has always shown.

Medicine is perhaps the most highly regulated industry in America, with good reason. The safety and lives and health of each and every patient are at stake. No one opposes safeguards when they are having other kinds of surgery or procedures.

Hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers must comply with a whole host of requirements geared toward ensuring the safest care possible. There are infection control standards, pharmaceutical standards, and even housekeeping standards all intended to make the provision of legitimate health care as safe as possible.

Ambulatory surgery centers also require the doctors performing surgical procedures in their facilities to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. This is the specific issue the Supreme Court will consider on March 4 during oral arguments on this monumental case.  …

Read more here  stream.org/weeks-after-march-for-life-supreme-court-will-hear-major-case-on-louisiana-pro-life-law/