WH Coronavirus Coordinator: Limit Gatherings to Under 10 People – Even at Home, by Melanie Arter

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By Melanie Arter, CNSNews, March 16, 2020

(CNSNews.com) – Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coordinator of the coronavirus response team, said Monday that millenials “are the core group” that will stop COVID-19.

Speaking at the White House along with President Donald Trump and the rest of the response team, Birx advised people to limit gatherings to under 10 people, even at home. She said the government wants people to be “separated at this time.”

“We now need to appeal to every single American so that they can have their role in stopping the spread of this virus. We have talked about things before about washing your hands, but we really want to focus on if you are sick, no matter who you are, please stay home. If someone in your household is diagnosed with this virus, the entire household should quarantine in the house to prevent spread of the virus to others,” Birx said.

“The reason we’re taking these strong and bold steps is because we know there is virus spread before you develop symptoms and then we know that there is a large group – we don’t know the precise percent yet – that actually is asymptomatic or has such mild cases that they continue to spread the virus,” she said.  ….

Read more here:  https://www.cnsnews.com/index.php/article/washington/melanie-arter/wh-coronavirus-coordinator-limit-gatherings-under-10-people-even