What are the Obstacles Between Men and Christ? by Randy Hain

Humility Allows You to See All That God Has Given You by Fr. Philip Dion
October 12, 2018
Saint of the Day for October 13: Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher (Oct. 6, 1811 – Oct. 6, 1849)
October 13, 2018


By Randy Hain, Integrated Catholic, Oct. 11, 2018

As long as we live in the world our life is a constant struggle between love for Christ or giving into lukewarmness, to our passions, or to comfort seeking, which destroys love. Faithfulness to Christ is forged each day by struggling against what separates us from him, and by an effort to make progress in virtue. Then they will be faithful both when times are good and when they are difficult, when it seems few remain by Our Lord’s side. (Francis Fernandez)

Randy HainI recall a conversation with a Catholic friend over lunch some time ago about the obstacles between men and Christ. After the usual story swapping and a discussion about bad cultural influences, my friend left the table saying, “I need to get back to the office. Next time we get together we should brainstorm a handy checklist for Catholic men so we won’t forget what we are supposed to be doing!” The conversation stuck with me and the checklist idea eventually became this post.

As I pondered the obstacles keeping me from Christ, and those shared by other Catholic men I have encountered over the years since my conversion into the Church, it was very convicting and challenging as I was reminded of where I continually fall short. Yet, reflecting on this list has also inspired me and I try to reflect on how to overcome these obstacles during my daily prayer time. I have a long way to go, but I believe that greater awareness of these obstacles and a determined focus on overcoming them will bring me closer to Christ and my desire to attain heaven.

Before I share some of the common obstacles between us and Christ, let’s consider what we know for certain. We have a goal (to get to heaven and to avoid hell), a road map (Scripture and Tradition), examples to follow (the saints, particularly St. Joseph), leadership (the pope, bishops, priests, and deacons), clear teaching authority (the magisterium of the Church), help along the way (the sacraments) and divine guidance (the Holy Spirit). It is clear that we are well equipped and have the tools and resources we need, but are we willing to make the necessary changes?

Obstacles between Catholic Men and Christ . . . and Actions to Overcome Them

  • Pride—We have to surrender on an ongoing basis to Christ for His will to be done in our lives. He is not looking for a copilot. He is the pilot. Guys, we simply have to recognize that we are not in charge—as much as we want to be! The next chapter deals with pride and surrender in greater detail.

  • We don’t fully appreciate the Eucharist—All of us have an opportunity every single day to have the most personal relationship possible with Christ by partaking of the Eucharist during Mass, yet we may not truly understand or appreciate this great gift He has given us. Many parishes offer Eucharistic Adoration, which provides an opportunity to kneel and pray before the True Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. We will never know Him if we don’t spend time with Him.

  • Lack of a prayer life—We can’t have a relationship with Jesus if we never talk to Him. Work on developing a daily prayer routine with the goal of at least an hour a day devoted to prayer. Sound difficult? Think about how much TV we watch a day. Consider how much time we spend in our cars each day and how much time we devote to exercise. We have more than enough time for prayer if we plan for it, schedule it, and commit to it. Pray the Morning Offering or other prayers before you leave home (ten minutes), five decades of the Rosary in your car or while exercising (twenty minutes), the Daily Jesuit Examen (fifteen minutes), Grace with all meals (five minutes), and with your children and spouse (ten minutes). Add it up, and we just did an hour of prayer.

  • Misunderstanding our true vocation—For those of us blessed to be married and have children, we must recognize that helping our families get to heaven and being good husbands and fathers (and not our business careers) is our real vocation. It is so easy to allow our family to serve our work (my issue many years ago) instead of having our work serve our family, and, in turn, our family to serve the Lord.

  • Lack of courage—If we don’t acknowledge Christ, defend Him in public, and tell others about Him, we will find it challenging to be close to Him. Christians are meant to stand out, not blend in. We live in difficult, trying times. Families are under attack, our children are at risk, many people are blind to the need to respect and value all life, and atheists are one of the fastest growing groups in the world. We have an opportunity to be beacons of light and good examples of Christ’s redeeming love. We will be judged one day on the fruits of our apostolate, and hope one day to hear Jesus say the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

  • Lack of detachment—Guys, let’s ask ourselves if we need “it,” whatever “it” is. Does “my team” losing a game ruin my day? Do I treat playing golf, going to the gym, detailing my car as though they were more important than my family or my relationship with God who loves and created me and who is my ultimate end? If I already have a 50-inch flat screen TV, do I really need a 60-inch? If I already have a $40,000 car, do I really need a $50,000 car? Am I “majoring in the miners”? Let go of the things that are in the way of our prayer lives, Mass attendance, charitable giving, volunteering, time with our families, and certainly our relationships with Christ. “An effective detachment from everything we have and are is necessary if we are to follow Jesus, if we are to open our hearts to our Lord, who is passing by and calls out to us. On the other hand, attachment to earthly things closes our doors to Christ and closes the doors to love and to any possibility of understanding what is most essential in our lives” (Francis Fernandez, In Conversation with God, 7-volume set, Scepter Pubs, 1993). Healthy detachment includes letting go of the opinions of others and doing what we know to be right in the face of criticism and judgment from our peers.

  • Pornography—Men have to guard against the increasing danger and addictive allure of pornography. What may start out as the “lust of the eyes” may turn to more dangerous forms of this epidemic. This sinful and harmful addiction is increasingly separating our men from the love of Christ. “Deep within yourself, listen to your conscience which calls you to be pure . . . a home is not warmed by the fire of pleasure which burns quickly like a pile of withered grass. Passing encounters are only a caricature of love; they injure hearts and mock God’s plan” (St. Pope John Paul II).

  • Lukewarmness—“As long as we live in the world our life is a constant struggle between love for Christ or giving into lukewarmness, to our passions, or to comfort seeking, which destroys love. Faithfulness to Christ is forged each day by struggling against what separates us from Him, and by an effort to make progress in virtue. Then they will be faithful both when times are good and when they are difficult, when it seems few remain by Our Lord’s side” (Francis Fernandez, In Conversation with God, Vol. 2, 418).

  • Diminished manhood—The feminization of our culture is emasculating our manhood. Women play a very special role in the world, but so do men—and we are forgetting what God has made us to be. The surrounding culture has been lying to us about our roles for decades and we are increasingly afraid to be spiritual leaders in our own homes. We are not like women and women are not like us. Men are made in the image of God the Father and only we can emulate Him in this regard and live out our calling.

What are the Fruits of a Life in Christ?

“Let your door stand open to receive Him, unlock your soul to Him, offer Him a welcome in your mind, and then you will see the riches of simplicity, the treasures of peace, the joy of grace. Throw wide the gate of your heart, stand before the sun of the everlasting light.”—St. Ambrose

Isn’t it tough to go it alone? Seriously, how effective are we if we only rely on ourselves for the answers? I don’t know about you, but I tried that way for over twenty years and it was very difficult. Having experienced a life where Christ is in charge, I have seen the other side and pray that I never have to fly solo again! Please consider your answers (as I have many times) to these important questions:

Do I want to be a better husband to my wife?

Do I want to be a better father to my children?

Do I desire a stronger faith journey in the Catholic Church?

Do I want to be a better son to my parents?

Do I want to be a better friend?

Can I be more involved in the community and helping others?

Do I want to be a better leader at work?

As we ponder the questions above, it is probably safe to assume we said yes to each one. Now, think about surrendering yourself to Jesus and asking Him for help. We know what it is like to go it alone and if we are honest with ourselves, the results are not that great.

Giving ourselves to Him, letting our old selves go and placing Him first will change everything. We will receive His grace, guidance, and love, which in turn will positively affect our relationships with our wives, children, friends, and coworkers. We will see our faith journeys catch fire as we begin to appreciate the truth and beauty of our Catholic faith. Our appreciation of the Mass will grow exponentially as we more fully understand the gift of receiving the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and we are joined in intimate union with Him. We will be perceived differently as people begin to see Christ at work in us. Or we can continue to stubbornly go it alone.

Jesus Christ died on the Cross for us. He redeemed our sins. He loves us unconditionally. The only way to heaven is through Him. What does He want in return? He simply asks for ALL of us—mind, body, and soul. He wants us to place Him first in our lives, before family, friends, work—everything. Think about the list of questions above and place “Christ inspired” in front of father, husband, son, friend, and leader. How can this not be desirable?

Editor’s Note:  Would you like to learn more about Randy Hain’s book Journey to Heaven: A Road Map for Catholic Men (Foreword by Patrick Madrid)?  The book is available through Amazon and Emmaus Road Publishing as well as Catholic bookstores around the country.  The Spanish version of Journey to Heaven is titled Camino Al Cielo: Una Guia Practica Para El Himbre Catolico and it can be found on Amazon.

His newest book is Special Children, Blessed Fathers: Encouragement for Fathers of Children with Special Needs (Foreword by Archbishop Charles Chaput).  All of Randy’s books are available through Amazon.