Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: What Do You Want Me to Do for You?
November 14, 2022Bishops Fund Enemies of Christ, by Nadia Bullock
November 14, 2022
When it might seem like we have nothing left, we have prayer.
By Shaun McAfee, EWTN News, November 12, 2022
The Catholic Church in the modern age has left no stone unturned in communicating the importance of parents in modern society, and in the Church. Vatican II’s Gravissimum Educationis, the Declaration on Christian Education says of parents:
Since parents have given children their life, they are bound by the most serious obligation to educate their offspring and therefore must be recognized as the primary and principal educators. … Parents are the ones who must create a family atmosphere animated by love and respect for God and man, in which the well-rounded personal and social education of children is fostered. …