Why Do Heretics Remain in the Church?

Lauren Boebert Slams Abortion: Endangered Species Get More Protection Than Unborn Babies, by Micaiah Bilger
March 25, 2023
Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: Reaction to Jesus’ Words
March 25, 2023

The counterfactual optimism of heretics keeps them in the Church while working to destroy it.

By Jennifer Bryson, Crisis Magazine, March 24, 2023

Jennifer S. Bryson, Ph.D., is a Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, DC and a Visiting Researcher at Hochschule Heiligenkreuz. She lives in Austria.

Jennifer Bryson

Fifty years ago, then-Fr. Joseph Ratzinger and Ida Friederike Görres were watching their era’s equivalent of a livestream of the implosion of the Church in Europe. And they were asking the same questions about the “reformers” in the Church that many of us are asking today:

Why are they so optimistic about their efforts that are patently leading to a decline in the Church? And why do these people remain in a Church they so clearly despise? And, daring to utter the s-word, when will the powers that be finally pull out a red card and declare, “schism”? …

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