Why Does Pope Francis Target American Catholics? by John Horvat II

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Pope Francis during his November 26 Angelus, with the IV connection showing. Video screenshot

By John Horvat II, American TFP,

Despite efforts to adjust to the theological rollercoaster of the Francis papacy, the American clergy finds itself the frequent target of his offensive remarks. A new study on priests and seminarians in America gives some insight into the reasons behind the attacks.

The liberal Pope Francis has called upon Catholics to embrace controversial positions on moral, ecological and political issues often identified with the left. American Catholics have voiced concerns about many of these progressive positions.

Pope Francis has responded by calling these American Catholics backward and ideological. He has criticized them for not following the synodal way of the avant-garde sectors that supposedly represent the Church’s future. He seems impatient with a clergy that is unwilling to embrace progressive ideas. ….

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