‘It seems that Michelangelo allowed himself to be guided by … the Book of Genesis, which, as regards the creation of the human being, male and female, reveals: The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame.’ —Pope St. John Paul II
A Florida principal at a classical charter school was recently forced to resign after including Michelangelo’s iconic 16th-century David statue in her school’s art curriculum. While most parents at the school supported the 6th-grade lesson on the statue — a statue that is widely regarded as one of the most important contributions to Renaissance art — a few parents complained the naked statue was pornographic.
These events not only led to the principal’s resignation, but the school’s Christian curriculum provider, Hillsdale College, which defended the sculpture as “one of the most important works of art in existence,” broke ties with the school, refusing to renew their license that expires at the end of the year. …