With the Sexual Revolution, There Is No Slippery Slope, by Darrick Taylor

Bishop Strickland Should Resist Pope Francis If Told to Step Down: Here’s Why, by John-Henry Westen
July 13, 2023
On 55th Anniversary, Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life) Is More Relevant Than Ever, by Teresa Hodgins
July 13, 2023

Image Credit: Bettmann Archive. Wikipedia

Once you embrace the Sexual Revolution’s totalizing moral logic, it inevitably undermines many of the beliefs we hold dear in Western life, since it contradicts those beliefs so thoroughly.

By Darrick Taylor, Crisis Magazine, July 13, 2023

Darrick Taylor earned his PhD in History from the University of Kansas. He lives in Central Florida and teaches at Santa Fe College in Gainesville, FL. He also produces a podcast, Controversies in Church History, dealing with controversial episodes in the history of the Catholic Church.


The recent victories for conservatives at the Supreme Court are a welcome respite from the Long March of the cultural Left through the nation’s institutions. But conservatives should not be fooled into thinking things will suddenly return to normal. The Left knows it has lost control of the Supreme Court, and it is trying to find ways around its rulings already (and even before these rulings came down). Social and cultural conservatives especially need to recognize that, despite this setback, the Left has many avenues by which it can continue to impose its agenda on the country.

This is true above all with regard to the most damaging part of that agenda: the Sexual Revolution. As the campaign to sterilize and mutilate children intensifies—and states like California and Washington are preparing to use the pretext of “gender affirming care” to seize children from their parents—the campaign against this insanity swells as more people who are “liberal” or simply not crazy find themselves moving to the Right because of it. …

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