We are not confusing the blogosphere with reality about Vatican II. We are lamenting the confusion born from ambiguity and the party strife born from both.
By Fr. Michael, Crisis Magazine, Feb. 17, 2023
Fr. Michael was born outside Detroit as an evangelical Christian. He entered the Church at 16, started learning the faith at a Californian college around 19, and at 22, became a monk. Ordained a priest in 2015, he is now a muddle-headed lover of Christ.
Dear Mr. Weigel,
We got your memo, and it proves our point. You say Vatican II is necessary for answering four problems of modern times.
The problems:
Whether divine revelation is real and has binding authority over time.
Whether human beings are really just bundles of desires, all of which are morally equal and should be acknowledged as legitimate in the name of human rights.
What is authentic human community?
How does the West rebuild the shattered foundations of its culture?
The answers in Vatican II (or, as you say, the “scores” for the Council): …