Charlie Kirk: Now That Companies Are Letting People Opt-Out of Mother’s Day Ads, Can We Opt-Out of Pride Month, Too?
April 29, 2023St. Thérèse Told Her Sister of an Experience She Only Had Once: an ‘Arrow of Fire’, by Agnieszka Bugała
April 29, 2023
By Eric Sammons, Crisis Magazine, April 24, 2023
Eric Sammons is the editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine. He is the author of eight books, including Deadly Indifference.
The president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, has exposed his contempt for life yet again. This time, he’s publicly endorsing assisted suicide while making a mangle of the Church’s moral authority.
First, Paglia channels his inner Mario Cuomo by stating, “Personally, I would not practice suicide assistance, but I understand that legal mediation may be the greatest common good concretely possible under the conditions we find ourselves in.” If the Archbishop were American, I would swear he sounds like he’s running for the Democratic presidential nomination.
But Paglia’s endorsement of assisted suicide isn’t the real problem; his anti-life views are just a symptom of his anti-Catholic morality. He dismisses the Church’s teaching authority by stating that the Church is not a “dispenser of truth pills.” Then he states, …
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