UPDATE: LGBTQ+ Orgs Training Teachers to Groom Children Exposed, by Hannah Hiester
July 25, 2023Msgr. Charles Pope: Why Would God Sow Seed He Knows Will Bear Little or No Fruit?
July 25, 2023
By Edward Pentin, July 24, 2023
The recent suspension of an Italian priest (Fr. Rotondo) for writing a scholarly critique of Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia was a foolish and “wholly unjust” decision but one that underlines the depth of a crisis in the Church that could be worse than the Arian controversy, Professor John Rist has said.
Regarded as one of the Church’s finest living scholars of ancient philosophy, classics, and early Christian philosophy and theology, Rist believes the suspension in April of Father Tullio Rotondo would never have happened under a previous pontificate and put the decision partly down to an over-centralized papacy that has allowed “bad popes” to act lawlessly and with impunity. …