Adventures in Summer Family Cooking, by Alexandra Greeley

Louisiana Bans Transgender Mutilation of Children, Overriding (Catholic) Democrat Governor’s Veto, by Joseph Summers
July 22, 2023
Americans Have Been Duped By the Leftist Legacy Media, by Rich Kozlovich
July 24, 2023

Photo by Nerfee Mirandilla on Unsplash

By Alexandra Greeley, Catholic Exchange, July 21, 2023

A convert to Catholicism, Alexandra Greeley is a food writer, restaurant critic, and cookbook author, who is passionate about every aspect of the food world — from interviewing chefs to supporting local farmers and to making the connection between food and faith. Her latest work is Cooking with the Saints.

For Catholic moms wanting to share friendship and recipes, they should log onto the website The editor is a devout Secular Franciscan, Barb Szyszkiewicz, who also writes at her own two websites: and

A resident of New Jersey, Barb has plenty to say about mothers cooking with their children, both in the summer and year-round—and how cooking helps them survive as adults. “First of all, cooking with our children depends on the age of the kids. I didn’t do much cooking with my kids until they hit double digits,” she said. …

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