By Archbishop Héctor Aguer, LifeSiteNews, Sept. 5, 2023
The myth of change has acquired full force with the spread of progressivism, which breaks the continuity of Tradition. In the current pontificate this ideology has taken hold of Rome.
(LifeSiteNews) –– Since the Second Vatican Council and its purpose of updating the Church, change has become a myth.
Pope Paul VI made his contribution by describing the march of the contemporary world as an unstoppable evolution, as he attested in his encyclical Populorum Progressio. In the social sciences, the idea of development was imposed and progress acquired an ideological dimension. These were the years of decolonization and the newly independent nations joined the international scene, bringing with them a revolutionary movement crowned with optimism. Progressivism, whose features evoke the antecedents of the modernism of the early twentieth century, condemned by St. Pius X in the encyclical Pascendi and the decree Lamentabili, spread widely in the Church and imposed itself. The first words of these two texts show the extension of the modernist movement to the whole Church and the reproving judgment of Rome. Pascendi dominici gregis expresses the authority of the Successor of Peter and Lamentabili sane exitu the pain at the damage caused by modernism in all areas of ecclesial life. ….
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