Biden and Wallace Team Up Against Trump for Un-Presidential Debate, by Al Perrotta

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By Al Perrotta, The Stream, September 30, 2020

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream and co-author, with @JZmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. …

But Biden did what he needed to do: Go 90 minutes without zoning out.

Tonight, there was supposed to be a debate. Instead we were sullied with a gut-churning free-for-all. CNN called the night a more vulgar version of a “feces festival.” And for once, CNN had it right. Thank you, Chris Wallace

Moderator Wallace said before the debate he wanted to be invisible during the debate. He lied. Chris Wallace spent the 96 minutes working for Team Biden. From the opening gun, he would interrupt Trump, repeatedly he would stop Trump when Trump was scoring points. For long stretches, Wallace was the one debating Trump, not Biden.  He lost total control of the debate. Most shamefully, he allowed Joe Biden to go unchallenged on a series of slurs and lies, and blocked Trump from responding. 

Very literally, Donald Trump was fighting on that stage one against two. And to some degree, against his own pugilist nature.  …

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