By Julian Kwasniewski, Catholic Exchange, April 20, 2023
A musician specializing in Renaissance lute, Julian Kwasniewski is also an artist, graphic designer, and writer. He has been published in numerous venues including The Catholic Herald, Catholic World Report, National Catholic Register, and Crisis Magazine. You can find some of his artwork and music on Etsy and youtube.
Authors which manage to help us think for ourselves without burdening our minds with their own thoughts are quite refreshing. They open doors without dragging us through them; when the author has shown us something interesting, we find ourselves walking through of our own accord!
Such is New Nazareths In Us, a slim book of sermons and meditations published last year by a New England parish priest. Most of his meditations are barely a page and a half long. As he says in the foreword, “we are dealing, not with a legal brief or a position paper, but with relaxed, and yet reasoned, out-loud thinking. A meditation never pretends to be the last sayable word about anything.” That is one of the refreshing things about brevity. They, of themselves, are too short to exhaust: “the onus is on the reader—he must do his own thinking, teasing out for himself whatever true things may be waiting beneath the limitations of the written word.” …