
October 3, 2022

Lessons from Golf for Catholic Parents, by Tracye McArdle

By Tracye McArdle, Catholic Exchange - In a recent online discussion with a group of Catholic mothers, many of whom suffer greatly with adult children who have abandoned the practice of their Faith, and I mean truly suffer, I was challenged to reflect on my own performance, along with my husband’s, in rearing our two daughters when asked, “What would you have done differently?”
September 26, 2022

The Brown Pelican Will Return on Monday, October 3rd

The Brown Pelican Will Return on Monday, October 3rd. Thank you for your support!
September 20, 2022

Law Professor: If Transporting Migrants Is Illegal, ‘Biden Would Be the Biggest Coyote Ever’, by Melanie Arter

“If that was the case, then Joe Biden would be the biggest coyote ever. Right? I mean he's transferring thousands of people across the country, also public interest organizations transfer migrants. All of them are saying, as they need to, and need to establish, that this is done with their consent, but there are rational reasons why migrants would want to go to New York or Chicago and away from these border areas,” he said.
August 31, 2022

Excess Deaths in America Are Still Excessive, by Edward Ring

By Edward Ring, American Greatness - Since the COVID era began in 2020, using weekly reports issued by the CDC, I’ve been tracking total deaths in the United States. Using these same CDC reports, which go back to 2013, I’ve been comparing total deaths over the past 2.5 years to the averages based on the six years preceding 2020. The chart below clearly shows that something terrible has been happening and that it may not be over... A mass die-off is still happening in America and reportedly around the world as well, and we have no idea what’s coming next.

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