Catholic Bishop on Pro-Abortion Joe Biden Holding a Rosary: “He Brags He’s Catholic When It’s Convenient”

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By Micaiah Bilger, LifeNews, March 3, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – Several Catholic bishops have emerged as vocal critics of President Joe Biden as he “brags” about being Catholic while advocating for the most radically pro-abortion, life-destroying policies in U.S. history.

Bishop Rick Stika, of Knoxville, Tennessee, is one of them.

On Tuesday, the bishop lamented that Biden touts his faith often and publicly but does not practice what he preaches, Breitbart reports.

“So sad that the President likes to pull out his rosary and touts his devotion of Our Lady of Guadeloupe as he forgets another title for her: ‘Our Lady of Life,’” Stika wrote on Twitter. “He likes to brag on his Catholic background when convenient. So very dishonest!” …