Catholics and Protestants Share Communion at German Ecumenical Convention, by Edward Pentin

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(L-R) Bishop Georg Bätzing, the president of the German bishops’ conference alongside Thomas Sternberg, president of the Central Committee of German Catholics, address Ökumenischen Kirchentag in Frankfurt, May 16, 2021. (photo: Screenshot)

Frankfurt’s Cathedral of St. Bartholomew served as the site where Catholics and Protestants defied Church teaching against shared communion.

By Edward Pentin, EWTN News, May 17, 2021

Edward Pentin Edward Pentin began reporting on the Pope and the Vatican with Vatican Radio before moving on to become the Rome correspondent for the Register. …


Edward PentinFRANKFURT, Germany — Protestant and Catholic worshippers in Germany defied Church teaching on Sunday by taking part in each other’s celebration of the Lord’s Supper at an Ecumenical Convention in Frankfurt.

In four services in the city, Catholics were invited to take part in an Evangelical Supper with Protestants and similarly invited to celebrate the Catholic Eucharist, with the decision to receive Holy Communion at Mass or bread at a Protestant service left to an individual’s conscience.

At an evening Mass in Frankfurt’s Imperial Cathedral of St. Bartholomew, the convention’s Protestant president, Bettina Limperg, received Holy Communion while her Catholic counterpart, Thomas Sternberg, took part in a Protestant Lord’s Supper service in the German city. Although the ecumenical convention has attracted hundreds of thousands of people in the past, it was not as well attended this year due to COVID restrictions. …