Cdl Marx: ‘No Stop Sign’ From Pope Francis for Our German Synodal Path on Celibacy, Sexual Morality, by Maike Hickson

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Pope Francis with Cardinal Reinhard Marx, president of the German bishops conference.

By Maike Hickson, LifeSiteNews, Sept. 24, 2019

September 24, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Yesterday, on the first day of the German bishops’ fall assembly in Fulda, Cardinal Reinhard Marx gave a press conference, in which he discussed his recent meeting with Pope Francis and Cardinal Marc Ouellet, as well as his plans for the upcoming German synodal path, which, as he insists, is “not a synod” or a “particular council” which would be subject to canon law.

Speaking about his visit and conversations in Rome which ended on September 20, the President of the German Bishops’ Conference and archbishop of Munich-Freising insisted that they have been “throughout positive and encouraging.”

“There is no stop sign,” explained Marx, “it was a constructive encounter” with Ouellet and the Pope, so that “I cannot see that the synodal path now somehow would be endangered.”

That is to say, Pope Francis did not tell Cardinal Marx to stop a project that plans to question the Church’s teaching on celibacy, on sexual morality, on the all-male priesthood, as well as on the link between ordination and governance in the Church.

Further commenting on Pope Francis and his June letter to the German Catholics, Cardinal Marx said that “the Pope really has opened the doors with his letter, and as we understand him, as I understand him – and as I also have found it confirmed in my conversation [with him] – he points to aspects which we should keep in mind and which are not new to us and which we accept.”  ….