China Installs Stooge Bishop in Snub to Vatican Deal, by Jules Gomes

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Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: Jesus’ Supreme Humility and Unfailing Love
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By Jules Gomes, Church Militant, April 5, 2023

Pro-Commie prelate promises to promote sinicization of Catholicism

SHANGHAI ( – The Chinese Communist Party has unilaterally appointed a bishop from its own ranks to the See of Shanghai in violation of its secret concordat with the Vatican.

In his installation ceremony on Tuesday, Bp. Joseph Shen Bin did not mention Pope Francis. Instead, he promised to press ahead with the sinicization of Catholicism and continue the tradition of “patriotism and love” for the Church in Shanghai.

The sudden move to unilaterally install Shen Bin, who is currently bishop of Haimen, has shocked the Vatican, which admitted on its official news website that it had learned of the appointment from media reports. …

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