Courage and Outreach: Two Apostolates, Two Paths for Same-Sex Attracted Catholics, by Larry Chapp

What St. Augustine Did to Avoid Gossip and Foul Language in His Home, by Abel Camasca
August 29, 2024
Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: Are You Ready to Meet the Lord?
August 29, 2024

Portrait of Father John Harvey, founder of Courage International. (photo: Painting of Father Harvey by a Courage member, courtesy of Courage International / EWTN)

By Larry Chapp, National Catholic Register, August 28, 2024

Larry Chapp Larry Chapp received his doctorate in theology from Fordham University in 1994, with a specialization in the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar. He spent 20 years teaching theology at DeSales University near Allentown, Pennsylvania, before retiring early in order to found the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm near Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania ….


COMMENTARY: There is no way to avoid the conclusion that unlike Courage, Outreach does not believe that the Church’s teachings on homosexuality to be fully true and compassionate.

Larry ChappRecently two Catholic apostolates to homosexuals both held important conferences promoting their respective organizations. Their starkly differing approaches raise the question of the proper relationship between the truth of doctrine and the mercy we need to show in our pastoral application of those truths.

The first organization is the well-established ministry known as Courage International, founded in 1980 by Father John Harvey (1918-2010), which met July 25-28 at Mundelein Seminary near Chicago. The second is Outreach, the relatively new ministry of Jesuit Father James Martin, which held a conference Aug. 2-4 at Georgetown University. …

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