By Abel Camasca, Catholic News Agency, Aug. 28, 2024
Abel Camasca is a journalist of ACI Prensa. He was born in Pisco, Peru, and studied communications at the University of Lima. For several years he was the producer of the TV program EWTN Noticias in Spanish and responsible of the radio show Más que noticias on Radio Católica Mundial. He is a member of the Salesian Family.
This story was first published by ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner. It has been translated and adapted by CNA.
Lima Newsroom, Aug 28, 2024 / 15:53 pm – St. Augustine, whose feast day is (Aug. 28), had an aversion for gossip to the extent he even placed a special notice in his house so that he and those who visited him would avoid this evil. Some bishops didn’t pay attention, and this is what happened.
In the Spanish-language book “Works of St. Augustine, Volume I” from the Library of Christian Authors, there is an ancient biography of this saint written by his disciple St. Possidius, considered by the Augustinians as “the first biographer of the bishop of Hippo.”
St. Possidius describes that St. Augustine’s clothes, shoes, and other household items “were modest and appropriate: neither too nice nor too base, because these things are often a reason for boasting or abjection [humiliation] for men, because they did not seek the interests of Jesus Christ but their own.” …