“Courage, Dear Heart”: Discern And Then Do, by Clarrie Dwyer

Proof That One Man Can Make a World of Difference, by Nicholas Wylie
August 12, 2023
Saint of the Day for August 14: St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe
August 14, 2023

Image courtesy of Unsplash.

By Clarrie Dwyer, Spiritual Directgion, Aug. 10, 2023

I’d prayed.


Asked for advice.




My anxieties and misgivings (you can’t do this; you’ll fail and everyone will see you fail; this will take too much time away from your family) pushed against the growing sense that this was still something I had to do.

I was filled with anticipation, sometimes joyful excitement, always fear.

Launching a course and starting a membership for Catholic writers wasn’t something a year before—really, even six months before—I could have seen myself doing. The idea had come gently but sort of out of the blue, and expanded to fill a big enough part of my heart that it simply couldn’t be ignored. …

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