WATCH! Sen. Ron Johnson: Covid-19 Was “Preplanned By An Elite Group Of People,” “Planned For Our Loss Of Freedom”, by Tim Hains
August 12, 2023“Courage, Dear Heart”: Discern And Then Do, by Clarrie Dwyer
August 14, 2023
By Nicholas Wylie, Church Militant, August 11, 2023
My friend, Fr. Mark Beard
In south Louisiana, the world changed on Wednesday, Aug. 2, with the tragic death of Fr. Mark Beard. Today, my friend was laid to rest in Amite, Louisiana, and it’s still impossible to comprehend his departure into eternal life.
A good friend of both Fr. Mark and I told others, “I think I know the sadness and confusion that the Apostles felt when Jesus died and before he was resurrected.”
There’s nothing that stings quite like the death of a good man. I would argue it’s an experience like no other. The detachment of the saints is crucial in those moments — being able to mourn out of love while at the same time shunning the selfishness of our desire to have that person here when we know the Christian promise of eternal life that awaits us all. In reality, our lives are preparations for death and the eternity that comes after.
As Catholics, it’s never for us to judge where someone’s soul was sent after death unless the Church tells us that person is in Heaven by way of beatification. I can only imagine what Fr. Mark would say if he were here to see people saying they know he is in Heaven while not praying for his soul. …