Fr. Roger Landry: Corpus Christi Is a Perfect Opportunity for Parish Eucharistic Revival

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COMMENTARY: Parishes, parishioners, priests and liturgical ministers can take advantage of the annual solemnity to sharpen their Eucharistic focus.

By Father Roger Landry, EWTN News, June 11, 2023

Father Roger Landry, Catholic chaplain at Columbia University, is ecclesiastical assistant to Aid to the Church in Need USA. Father Landry, a priest of the Diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts, has been appointed by the U.S. bishops a “National Eucharistic Preacher.”


Father Roger LandryThe celebration of Corpus Christi is always a special time in the Church’s liturgical calendar. It should be, because we celebrate the enduring self-gift of Jesus Christ by which he fulfills his promise to remain with us always until the end of time.

It should be, moreover, because the feast was directly asked for by the Lord himself through his apparitions to the Belgian mystic St. Juliana of Liege in the early 13th century in anticipation of the Eucharistic miracle of Orvieto-Bolsena. In response to Jesus’ wondrous self-gift, St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that we ought to “dare to do all we can” to express our faith, love and gratitude.

But this year’s celebration of Corpus Christi should be more special still, as it is taking place within the three-year-plus Eucharistic Revival in the Church in the United States and inaugurating its second and most important year. …

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