Television? What’s that? by Adam Mill

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If Americans can’t get reliable information from the subverted legacy media, then we’ll find other routes.

By Adam Mill, American Greatness,

Adam Mill is a pen name. He is an adjunct fellow of the Center for American Greatness and works in Kansas City, Missouri as an attorney specializing in labor and employment and public administration law.


One could almost hear the network executives and public officials screaming into their bluetooth headsets when the early ratings came in. “What is a Woman?” had more than 170 million views. Tucker Carlson’s new Twitter broadcast? 85 million. With numbers like that, companies that buy advertising are starting to visualize a Superbowl on Twitter.

On February 12, advertisers paid $5.5 million per 30-second spot to show commercials to the Superbowl’s approximately 200 million viewers. As another basis of comparison, only three of 100+ cable news networks managed ratings over a million. Following Governor Ron DeSantis’ presidential candidacy announcement on Twitter, CNN scoffed at the event as a ratings3 flop. Yet with all of its infrastructure and dedicated cable platforms, CNN’s ratings rarely crack 1 million while DeSantis’ Twitter “flop” scored approximately 3.4 million viewers as of Thursday, May 25. …

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