Fr. Shenan J. Boquet: How Marriage Improves Happiness

The Ongoing Debate Over Dignitatis Humanae, by Jerry D. Salyer
August 30, 2023
Daily Scripture Readings and Meditation: True Beauty and Goodness Come from Within
August 30, 2023


By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet, Human Life International,

Father Shenan J. Boquet was ordained in 1993 and is a priest of the Houma-Thibodaux Roman Catholic Diocese in Louisiana, his home state, where he served before joining HLI as its President in August 2011. …

In reading the Gospels, one can spend as much time meditating upon what is not said, as what is said.

Take, for instance, the story of the miracle at the wedding feast at Cana. Who, one wonders, is the fortunate couple that had Our Lord and His Blessed Mother present as honored guests at their nuptials? Were they some childhood friend of Our Lord’s, perhaps some early disciples, or was it one of Mary’s relatives who was being married (more likely)?

We don’t know. All we are told is that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is there and that Jesus and His disciples were also invited to the wedding. Certainly, whoever the bride and groom were, they must have been dear to both Jesus and His Mother.

And then there is the miracle itself. We are told explicitly in the Gospel that this is Christ’s very first public miracle. And yet, this first miracle is not some dramatic miracle, carefully designed to demonstrate Christ’s power to His disciples. Instead, it is a quiet miracle that represents the bountiful graces Jesus will bestow on the human race in the new creation. …

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