“Gutless Cowards”: LA Archdiocese Won’t Participate in Protest Against Blasphemous Performance at Dodgers Stadium

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By Complicit Clergy, June 10, 2023

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles issued a clergy memorandum this week stating that they will not be participating in the planned protest against the Sisters of Perpetual at Dodgers Stadium on June 16.

Catholics for Catholics is a lay Catholic group helping to organize the protest. John Yep, the group’s leader, appeared on Steve Bannon’s Warroom on Friday to share details about the planned protest and express his frustrations with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. When Yep explained that the archdiocese would not be participating in the event, Bannon reacted by calling the leadership of the Archdiocese “gutless cowards.”



Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute responded in a similar manner on Twitter.


Even General Mike Flynn weighed-in with a tweet:



TAKE ACTION: Contact Archbishop José Gomez at 213.637.7534 or office.archbishop@la-archdiocese.org and RESPECTFULLY ask him to officially support the protest.

WARNING – GRAPHIC: Sample Performance by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence