In Francis’ Homage to a Marxist Freemason, Signs of the Political Synod About to Take Place, by Roberto de Mattei

The College of Cardinals 2023: Global, Diverse and Unpredictable, by Matthew Bunson
September 29, 2023
Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: Who Do You Say That Jesus Is?
September 29, 2023

Pope Francis, Giorgio Napolitano, and Matteo Messina Denaro

By Roberto de Mattei, Rorate Caeli, Sept. 27/28, 2023

The great Juan Donoso Cortés (1809-1853) said that behind every political problem there is a theological and metaphysical problem. Sometimes, however, behind a theological problem there is a political problem that explains it. This is what must be kept in mind in order to predict what will happen in the next Synod: a religious assembly, desired and organized by a pope for whom politics prevails over theological and moral doctrine. Some episodes that have happened in recent days help us understand this.

On September 22, 2023, Giorgio Napolitano, a leading figure in Italian political life for many decades, died at the age of 98. In his long life Napolitano combined an iron Communist militancy, which in 1956 led him to approve of the Soviet invasion of Hungary, with an equally iron loyalty to the Masonic fraternity to which he belonged, following in the footsteps of his father Giovanni (1883-1895), a leading figure in the Grand Lodge of Italy.  ….

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